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What Is a Trade Secret?


An overview of the basics of US trade secret law for entrepreneurs, business people, and creative professionals. “What Is a Trade Secret?” includes the following:

  • A definition of Trade Secrets.

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Podcast Law


I listen to lots of podcasts about every subject you can think of. And I often see someone making a mistake that could prevent them from owning their valuable content – or even create serious legal and financial liability.

After over a decade of providing legal advice to successful entrepreneurs, I can’t help but notice when someone’s doing it wrong – and I sincerely want to help every podcaster avoid these kinds of problems.

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Intellectual Property for Businesses


What do businesses need to know about Intellectual Property? This presentation covers the basics of Trade Secrets, Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights for entrepreneurs, business owners, freelancers, and creative professionals.

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What is Fair Use?


An overview of the basics of US copyright fair use for entrepreneurs, business people, and creative professionals. “What Is Fair Use?” includes the following:

  • A brief review of copyright.

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What is a Copyright?


An overview of the basics of US copyright law for entrepreneurs, business people, and creative professionals. “What Is a Copyright?” includes the following:

  • A brief definition of copyright.

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How Do I Choose a Strong Trademark?


An overview of how to choose a trademark for entrepreneurs, business people, and creative professionals. “How Do I Choose a Strong Trademark?” includes the following:

  • When should I ask this question?

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What is a Trademark?


An overview of the basics of US trademark law for entrepreneurs, business people, and creative professionals. “What Is a Trademark?” includes the following:

  • A brief definition of trademarks.

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