Artist, Educator, and Creator Amy Burvall
April 18, 2016

Welcome to Episode 29 of Products of the Mind. On this episode, I speak with Amy Burvall: teacher, mother, artist, learning expert, and creative guru.
“Making your thinking visible is one of the most crucial things you can do. If creativity is about dot connecting, you have to have the dots in order to connect them. You have to collect your dots and you have to put them somewhere, and you have to be able to access them…Education has always been about giving kids those dots.”
Do you get completely worthless around 3pm? Don’t worry, you’re not alone!
On today’s episode I chat with Amy Burvall, an artist, educator, and creative mastermind. We travel to the depths of creativity, leaving no creative stone unturned. Amy shares with us how she is transforming the classroom with her creative innovations geared toward actually educating and developing students.
We’ll also discuss technology, new ways to be creative (including seeing everyday things in unique ways), remix culture, Oblique Strategies, “wonderlust,” curriculum development, and how to make things “sticky.”
Do you know how changing words in your vocabulary can unlock creativity? What do you do with the worst part of your day (Amy’s 3pm struggle)? What’s your design space? What’s the difference between remix and mashup? Don’t worry: Amy will answer all these questions for you and much more.
This episode is not just for the “creative” artist…we’re all creative in some way, whether we know how to access that part of ourselves or not. Find out how you can access your inner creative in this important and fascinating talk with Amy Burvall.
Amy’s homepage
Amy is @amyburvall on Twitter
Amy’s History for Music Lovers mashup video
More links and honorable mentions:
- A TedTalk presentation with Amy
- John Kao’s Jamming (Amazon)
- John Cleese’s lecture on creativity
- Oblique Strategies wiki
- Harvard Med School’s: What Does the Spleen Do? Video
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The Credits
Products of the Mind is produced by Mana Monzavi.
The illustration accompanying these show notes is by Whit Harris.
The theme music for this episode was provided by Le Chateau. The track name is “Bury You.” Go buy it on Soundcloud!
This episode and these show notes © 2016 David Lizerbram